Early access: Reimbursable by Medicare and most insurance
Uricap is the non-invasive, gentle option for women with urinary incontinence
Comfort, safety and convenience
Comfortable and soft device that doesn't use suction or glue. Adjusts to anatomy for a secure seal and protects the urethra from contaminants.
Natural Adhesions
A natural adhesion is formed by the continuous surface-to-surface contact between the surface under the UriCap device and the skin surrounding the urethra. The adhesion allows for sideways motion without friction, all minimizing leakage, discomfort and risks for wounds.
Holding Force
The inner and outer labial folds enclosing the area contribute to keeping the surfaces close together and in place.
Enhance Adhesions Over Time
Small or larger voids aid in enhancing the natural adhesion forces of the seal as they bring the surfaces closer together. This occurs gradually following application of the UriCap.